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MOIA is the latest ride-sharing service on the German market that offers a unique relaxing, stress-free and luxurious transportation experience in a city. It is currently being tested in Hamburg and Hannover.

After an interesting visit to the MOIA offices in Hamburg last year, International Brand Communication Masters students were able to partner with the brand for the first practice project within the scope of the Business to Business Marketing of their curriculum, supervised by Torben Erhorn from MOIA marketing department.

Over a period of four months, students were asked to work on the following task: “Develop an inspiring B2B marketing strategy for MOIA, which aligned with one of three international marketing areas (industrial goods offerings, service offerings and non-profit offers) and apply this model to the German market”.

The final presentation took place in MOIA offices in Hambur.

Modul | Semiotics & Visual Aesthetics
Leitung | Torben Erhorn
Semester |  3. Semester IBC