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BA Students at STURM und DRANG


Master’s Students of International Brand Communication course within the modul Strategic Planning: Tools and Techniques visited with their lecturer Betty Siegel a cultural research and innovation agency STURM und DRANG, Hamburg.

STURM und DRANG is known as a qualitative research boutique helping customers to develop innovations and visions for brands based on consumer and market trends.

The purpose of the visit was to learn more about the organisation, development and implementation of strategic innovations by brands.
Gunar Splanemann – Director of Innovation Strategy by SuD, Hans Rusinek, Innovation Strategist, and Nora Pernesch, the representative of Innovation Services introduced their agency and showed how does it work.

Our students got familiar with STURM und DRANG’s Toolbox, consisting of four main fields Market Projection, Open Innovation Journey, Brand Purpose Script and Social Experience Design as well as learned the successfull examples of storytelling.

We would like to thank STURM und DRANG Team for this opportunity and great experience!