Brand University appoints Dr Thomas Suwelack as professor


The team of professors at the Brand University of Applied Sciences is gaining reinforcement: After he had already been deputy professors at the BU, Dr. Thomas Suwelack was appointed as professor now. We are very pleased that we could win our colleague as professor for the Brand University and welcome him again!

Professor Dr. Thomas Suwelack

In master’s degree program Brand Innovation Dr. Thomas Suwelack heads the Marketing & Innovation focus as Professor for Digital Customer Experience.

His subjects include Digital Customer Experiences, Digital Branding & Marketing, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technologies & Development.

His path led him from studying business administration at the University of Münster to a doctorate at the Institute of Marketing at the University of Münster. He then worked for several years as an in-house consultant and CRM project manager at buw Group and as a management consultant for customers such as BMW, Vodafone, Unitymedia, Metro and ProSiebenSat.1.

Dr. Thomas Suwelack on his new position as Professor for Digital Customer Experience:

“For me, being a professor primarily means to accompany young, curious people on their way into a still unknown professional future and to prepare them optimally for future challenges. Thanks to many years of practical experience in the business world – especially through my work as a management consultant – I am familiar with the multi-faceted requirements of today’s working world, which I would like to address through an interdisciplinary spectrum of teaching and learning content.

In addition to teaching important concepts and methods, I focus on the training of the following skills: communication skills, teamwork & flexibility, independent learning, critical and problem-oriented thinking, creativity, digital skills and knowledge management.”

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